····- ··. —————  ————   – ——-   ———  ————————————–  —–.  ——— —-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     – —-    – ·-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   — ——- – —            —-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

A. 0  Je des re assister a cette assemblee et demande une carte d'admiss1on :dater et signer au bas du formulalre  II w ish to attend the shareholders' meetmg and request an adm ission card: date and sign at the bottom of the for m .
B.   J'utilise le formulaire de vote par correspondance ou par procuration ci·dessous, seton l'une des 3 possibilites  offertes I I prefer to use the postal voting form or the proxy form as specified below.

C&Co                                                                        ASSEMBLEE  GENERALE ORDINAIRE                                                                                      CADRE  RESERVE A LA SOCIETE I For Company's use only

Societe en commandite par actions

Convoquee le 20 juin 201 6 a II heures                          l denlifiant I Account

Vot e   simple

a u capital  de 225 148.80 €                                                                               au Cabinet  De Pardieu Brocas Maffei                                                                                   Nominatif                                                                            [ Singl o vote

Siege social : 37, rue de Ia Victoire

57 aven ue d'lena – 75 116 PARIS

Nombre    / Number

[ Reg·stered           Vote double
Double vote

75009 PARIS                                                                     ORD I NARY GENERAL  MEETING                                                                                          d'actions                                                                                                                       of shares                                                                                                                                                                      Porteur 1 Bearer
784 364 150 RCS PARIS
T o be held on June, 20th 20 1 6 at II a.m.                                                                                      Nombre de voix I Number of vo ng nghts

at Cabinet De Pardieu Br ocas Moffet

5 7 avenue d'lena 7 5116 PARIS

Ct. au verso renvoi(2) – See reverse (2)


0 JE DONNE POUVOIR A:c!.auversom"""'(4)

I HE:RE:BY APPOINT soo   rovorse   (4)

Je vote OUI a tous les projets de resolutions presentes ou agrees par  le Consell  d'Administralion ou le Directoire ou Ia Gerance, a
!'EXCEPTION de ceux que je signale en noircissant comme ceci ·
Ia  case  correspondante  el  pour  lesquels  je  vote   NON  ou  je

Sur les projets de resolutions non agrees par le Conseil d'Adminlstralion ou le Directoire ou Ia Gerance, je vote en noircissant comme ceci ·
Ia case correspondant a mon choix.

ct. au verso renvoi(3)


M., Mme ou Mile, Raison Socinlo I Mr. Mrs or Mi ss , Corporat e N smo

I vote   YES to   all the draft resolutions approved by rhe Board of D irec t ors EXCEPT those indica ted by a shaded box · li ke this · . for wh ich I vote NO or I abstain.

On  the draft resolutions not approved by the Board of D i rector s , I cast my vote by shading the box of my choice · ltke th is · .
Qui    Non/No                Oui   Non/No

See reverse (3)                                               Adresse I Address

1    2    3    4   5    6    7   8    9          Yes AbsVAbs               Yes AbsVAbs
0     0          0     0                    0        A                 0     F       0    0

I  G
0  I  H      0    0

0  I  J       0    0

0   I  K        0    0
Sldos amendemonts oo des t6solutions nouvelles 6taionlpt6senl6s on assembllle /In   C&SO """""*""' o t –      ,."""'"""'"                      CUV>g""'-     O
· Je dOnne pouwir au President deI'AG de voter en mon nom.// IIPf)OOt the Chairman o1 the general meetin g ro voro on my behalf ···· ·
. Je m'abstlens (l'abslenlion equivaut a un vote contre ) . l   tob s ts l n from votin g   (is equ ivale nt too vote NO ) .   .. .   ……. ..  …….
. Je donne procuration (cf. au verso renvoi 4) a M., Mme ou Mile,Raison Sodale ..·.. · ··..· … ……· ..·.· · ·..· · ·· 0
pour voter en mon nom It appoint (589 r(Mirsq (4)) Mr . M rs or MISS, Corporat e Name to vot e on my be/1811

ATTENTION : S'll s'agilde titres au porteur,les presentes Instructions ne seront valides que si elles sent directement retournees   a
votre banque.

Sd1Y.JJJ)JL; II shoros are held i n bearer form, the present mstroctlons will be valid only tflhey oro d11octly returned t o your bank.

Nom, Pn nom. Adrosse do l'actionnaire (si ces informations figurent deja, tes verifier et les rectifier eventuellement)
· S urname, /irstllllmo, address of th o shareholder (if th is informatio n Is a lr eady supplied, please verify and corroo II necessary)
cr. au verso renvoi(1) ·Sao reverse (1)

Pour etre prise en consideration, toute formula doit parvenir au plus tard :
In order to be toke n I n t o account. thi s completed form must be received at th e latest
sur 1"convocation I on Ist notificabon                              sur 2- convocation   I on 2nd noblicatJOn
16 Ju1n 2016  June 16th 2016

A I to BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES,CTS Assombleos,Grands Moufans de Panbn- 93761 PANTIN Cedex

Date & Signature

I                     I



t· cot oodicol!ontl'9utenl diJO ""le lctO!Uio<. lo Pgno!a···don le. >it f.er II.t..nllrOIIomtrt, los rectf…r


>OUmet ou· dispoti:IOM IOgoSicn-ou rOglornemairtt "sent  o prtr11iget los..,.,..,…,,con rolos cpemhons d'initi>,  los        50<   moodonr.  A dolcM potc e -do corboGI>on   tJ<jlflll>e d . monclat.celui<o t>1

dfctJion OUJt fro·t du mondo!oi·e ,


Ill GENtftAL INFORMATION                                                                                                                                            13) PIOXY TO THE OIAfRMAN Of THE GfNERAL MEETING                                                                                                                                                                    w.l.l, ho 0< she nlotmtd by tile pro.y of any ""nt enobl·l,h'"' or h.r     10 """""'" ·h. "'!hot tl>o lo'tt< porwo on Th» ·s the salt form punuont to Article  R. 225-76 dv Codode Commerce. WIJ,cM-.er optron "ustd, rho1>gnatory ·hould        Artrdo L    225 106 du Code do Commorco [extroc.t):                                                                                                                                                              ·nlerest ol'i'ler han .is or hou Th·s inJotmo!ion re&o1e1'" potttCu r 10 rho l"tont 11.ot ,…e ptoq 01.   0$ the coWmay  b., write  i1/ht1exocl nome and oddreu in cap,tollal"tn  in rhe )poc.:e J)(ovidod e g  o iegal guord,on 1f this inforfT!a'·on11      'In the coso of any power ol repretentoloan gi…,n by a shocel.okler w.thout nolflong o pro<y, the cl.oormon of tile 9"""'ol    person on beholl ol..llom ''OCIS'
olroody supplied, piec>e .,.r,fy ond correct ;f necettOry                                                                                                 . ,,,'9 tholl <Ssuo o -..o1e rn lovar ol adop""9 a droit ,.,., …,..,. submrr..od or OPP'O..d by rh. Boord of OorooCIOts or me       1 'Con ol1. w.tl.in the meonong ol Arhcle L 233-3, tl-.e c""'pony whos. geneoal  l'loeling hoi to meo!,
-the sognatory >Sa legolor me "9""'D'Y sho.Ad llld<oto  h·t/fe<  I.A nornt and tl-.e capac·'( .n ..,.h h.''..,,,:led     Mona -i>o<Yd     01 tile co>e may bo, and o valo ogo·nadopt·ng ""Y otloor eto!t   resolo!oor.s  io "'"" ony otloor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2" :s mo::obo< ol the monagernent boo·d. od"'·n·c-w "'f*"'IOIY  boo·d of tl.o c<>-pany or a penon wh<h con ols to sogn on the legal enty's     . .1 a tl>o "9""""Y" ""'tl>o thorolooldt< I·9· a legal g.ord<0<1), please spoc·1ywr !-A      "''  t     shor..'>Oider l'lUil aPI"""t a pro> y who ogret>to volt on lho manner rn&aotd bys P''""'par                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          d·n the ,_."'9 ol ArtiCle L   2333,
OQf"..e  and the copocrty .n which you ore s.gnrng ll>t  prO"f    Tho lot..   sent   lo< one ,….,ng wiJ bo ..a"x!  lot a  -.ogs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            3' h ornployed by 1!-.e company cw o person r.och ton11ob II .t.i-.o                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,_.,,,9 ol Arlido I 233-3.
>Jb eqcon..-d ..;,!, Nsome agtndo Artodt  R   225-77   ""*' 3 d,Code do C_,ol                                lrll PIOXY TO A /riDITlONEO PWOH INlMOOAl OR llGAl ENTITY)                                                                                                                                                                                  l ' Is con>o!od o< co'rits out one oltht fundioe.s :nertiontd w:lli>t 2'or t!-.e 3'., o oerson or on et<ity contolod by
Tho tt·· olthts .sin lho I'CII6ccrion ollho -""9 whoch ·s tent wi1h11o1 prory Melt R  22.>.81 du Code cie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  o PI'""' who ob lho compony, .r:..nt..,ol Ar>de L   233.J
eo..-e.) Ploow do noe use bo1!t 1 VOTE y POSI' and 'I HHESY Af'I'OINT' IMcle I 22.>.8 1   do Code de                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           fho1·'iormotoon;, al,., del…,.td when o fw…ly1oe e· sb c…._ !he prary or. as i-4 case""'!be. 1!-.e person on behalf c…,,…,.) ft.frencr. .,.r_ of th» dac..-t rns. 11:. Eng'ish  trorulo<:on "lor con""'"ence""Y                                                                                                        'I  A s""'thdder may bo ll!preleOttd by anotho< thoreholder,  l>t hos rx htr spo<ne, 0< by hot or h.r pot,.r whoM or     ol whom ·I ac. and a noMolflt'IO'l ploctd "'one olthe s<uoi>OIs envmeratod J,o, I'to 4' obcM
Vote hot tr.ttrtd ll'ltoo ,.,..   ur,aor'l  ilh                                                                                                             When dur·ng the pro<y, one ollloe  t1!nts ,.,.,.toontd  ·n the p·teedong lub,lo·agrapns occurs, rhe P''"Y   ··formt w t!oou1
(2) POSTAL VOnNG fORM                                                                                                                                         He or she coo al10 be represor.ttd by an ond«od,gl or legol ent.ty of ho!or frt,choice                                                                                                                                                               dtloy hos corSfl-.1 Fo.J.;l by re lo .er IQ conlrrm  e>plocoiy tf.e pro<y, ..,,. one  is nu:l and  YOid   The t.,m,nahon  of the
Arhclo I 225·1 07 du Code do Commerce                                                                                                           I   Whon  tfto sh01os oro od'llo1td to trad·ng on o rogula·od ""'""'·                                                                                                                                                                                   proxy i· nati!:ed  wi·hout de ay by tfto pro.<y to the compaoy
'A st.aroholdtr can valo by post by "''"9 a pos'OI ""'"9'"'" detormroed by Conseol d'Etot docroo  Arly otr-.er "'"filods   2' Whon lhe shores ore odMo td 10 trodong on a "'"ltilolerol  trod 09 loc·l ty whoc" >vb,tct to the lego ot:ve   end                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tho cond  to011s of apploeotoan ol th.,artoclo ·'· determ ntd by o c…_,.,f d Etot deer".'

Only the formt reco:..d by the CornJlO"y boloro tl.o Mttl"9  woll"n the nme lor..JI a..!cond·llorls de!orm ned by Consoil     "ormation   as prov·dtd l:y t'le gent>ml rog     ,., ol the Autoolo des mor.Mt  f,na>'Ciett f'rench  f,naxool ·alt!l                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a

o pro<otdl  iO an act…. r"'""' of  pro<y,  while  propolircroctly  or  rnd.roctly 10 one or …..

are deemed to be onval·d                                                                                                                                                 f Jbory P'fO'II)<wu thot protem  ·n·.-e,ton tul :MJ·delln r,o·!OO. pice mo"',pulo·.an. and d  .ino ·on of f_,Jy   Arhcle  L 22>I 06-2 du Code do Commerce

d'E!a! decrH, oro ""'od IQ calcJoir tl-.e """""'

RegAuthorotyl, orocbdtd on a L11 wutd by lht M'i dject 10 ..,. cond·l;ont pravodtd i>y of> 91!<1etal reg.rlot011,
and :lied on the COillpony …….,-… and anclos olcssoeoal 0t1                                                                                                    s. u.-.der ""Y lore ondl;y, to recec"" prary iO

crlthe genorclol a ccmpony

The fcmu QM"9 no vat.d ltCI>on or ondka'ang ab-ort deomtd iO-'no'                                                             I Tho pro.y  m wei at "'d……….as tlot case may be, mus1 0. …….,. and IOOdt I_,. to t!lo company A Con,.;l      "*"'<>o>d on the tll.rd  and laud                                                                                                                                  s oi the .l.'locle l 225- 06, shall reiease '"vot.ng pabcy
·I you WoJit iO use the poslal >Obtog 'otm. you heM to shade tlot bo,on ;he lrontcl the docurntnt  ''VOTE &Y ?OST'           d Erot decet JPOC·f.e. the rmplomen-cf N. pro>erJ  pct0g<0011                                                                                                            k cc>,oiJo reloo..ib vaong llletlhonS on the dto't ·s ..O..Iltd tolht genoral '''9 ·tat<<""then.  lot any
In well """"' pleost Ct1IJifly"""" ttw.lofla…,.rnllluCJIOns                                                                                                     m  Befcte """"Y genera!,_.9  the cho<mon of the booed of <koctors or llw l>oo<. as the cme                     may be,    pro.y roc……d ·'"""" .-oling  rru!rud>ont, o vale ,n cor!orncty "'"lho roleo..d "'9 """""""'
f you .,,n 10 ,oe:.by f'O'I,os .,..nM' mat you ched thtl VOTE SY POST bo,                                                                  010y orgon·M a cor·ultar""' woth tile sholl!hddtrs mentooned   on Arl·cle  l 225-102 to orable """' ro oppornt one or      0.. cond oons oi applicaton of  ilu> artcle are de.'e<ru.-ed by o Con…L d'Eial decree
In rn·s COWl, plec10 comfly wob me folfowong rnstrucroont                                                                                                    mort  pro.-,ttl lo rtp le'll1hem o1 the l'leeft.ng 1n accordance w:f'h rM pro·nionJ  of ri'IIJ A.rtde                                                                                                                Arhcle  L. 225-1()6.3 du Code do Commerce
· F01 me rosol.toOM propo..d 01 agreed  by me Board, you con                                                                                        Such a coosuballoo st.al be oblogalolr. wh.re,  follow·ng Jt.e amendment  of tht rremorandum ond orocletof  aslaci<lloan         Tho com'l'orciol court of whiCh  t!ot COO'lpa"Y's t..od  oll.ce   font  vnder   can. ot  ·f..o roq.est  of tile con>t.tuonl and lor a
·eith.r ""'" 'yo>'lor all tile rerolul·ont by loovong 1M bo,.,blanl,                                                                                     pu11uor.t 10Ar1oclo L 225-23 or Art  ol  225-71, rh.orcl·norygene·ol  rnee!·ng ''required tooppoinl  to tho board of      d"ra·ron whoch connoc  t<Ceed  three yea11, '1""e tloe proxy  of  til. roght lo tae porl  10 thi· copor:J 10 any  goneral
. «vote 'no' 01 'ob>ten··on' l·h·ch ;, oquovall!<'t to"'"'no') by shad·ng bam ol your clrorco                                       d rectors or  rh. suptMsory  board ,   as tl>o  coto may be, o<>e or  more shorolloideo errployeet    0<   ,_mbert ol me      "*''"'9 of he rel r;t co"'pony in he ..,. .I   non<orr.pl1ance wtth mo lory 1nformahon en'I'!I09   from rhe riwd to
· Fe< me re.dvt·ont not 09'""" by tile Board, you can  VQlt   retolu!oon by resolv""' by st.od·ng tl>o app<oproalo bo·es                      "'PI"'"'ry board  of Nc001pany >Mesfmer.t  W. !hot hold· carrpony't  · >alas  S…Ch  a conwbotoo .hall o!lo   bo       S0¥01th porjnophs of Art·clol 225-101>1  or wtll the p<0'·1>01>1 of Article  L    225-106-2. Tho court  can  decode !M
In cose of cr-.d,.,.,b or  new  ·OJOiuhont d.K.ng  O'oO sho·e!-41dor '"..'"9· you ooellqUI1ltd ·choose btlween lhr..                  obiwhore o specoal s.l,oreholdors' …..,.ng u r q< >rtd tolole a decolrOr on on ome ">>Oll  lo mtlltorOndu"'                                                                                                                                                            publ<atoan    ths deco>crn at N 01penses ol the pra<y.
pouibiLtoes (ptoooy to 1!-4 cloo<TN>tof "'- genorcl meet.ng o!lssontoM,  ct pra.y !o o mer.!.<:ntd pertcn (.ndiod-..,   01 legal   and                 ol OIIOCd.oon punuanlto Artdo l 22513 or Artde l 225-71  Ally clausos flo! con!'ICl .,,jf, tile pr,..-…,s     Tho CCM.<1 can ""P""' the so""' tenC"""d towards the P'O"Y on roque>ol ,.,. COft'>iXI"Y in tile e-….,!of noncompi..,.o o4
er.:.t)l, by shodong the oppropr<llo ba.                                                                                                                               rJ ll>e F<OCtd"''l w aplts J.ol bo dee:ntd ,.,.,..,.,….,. ·                                                                                                                                                                               .,. pra.a.on, rJ   :he Art.do I  215-1()6.2
Artrtlo l 225-106-1 du Code do Commorco
When, rn  the .,.lls .,…sagtd by tile t!wd and b.llh QCr.IOIOOhs of  the Mdo l  225-106 1, lf-o0  thort .ddet d
ropre en»J  by o po<son  afWl< than hos or kt< spoust or h,t 01 htr pot1ntt  w!oo h. or she f.a1.-td ·nlo o CO<· 1  unron

II any orforma an oncluded  rn ·lu1 form os utod lor a corrpot·r o:o. II ·s p<olacr.d by tile provo  a"' of Low No 7817 ol Ja·vary 6, 1978 f'lod,foed tspec·ally abo..I ·ogM· of accen  and o1ero'>On  tioot can be uercu"d J>y ·nlortOltd portoOI nearby t!-.eor cuslod.an

This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients.

The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.

Source: C&Co via GlobeNewswire


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C&Co : Formulaire de vote par correspondance